Monday, 17 March 2014

Pet Theft Awareness Week- Show Your Support!

This week is Pet Theft Awareness week, all about spreading awareness about pet theft and what to do if your pet is stolen. It would be great for everyone to spread the word, as Pet Theft Awareness are calling for tougher punishments for those found guilty of pet theft! is the place to go to look for more information. There you can find out out more about the petition and some great inspiration about what to do if your pet is unfortunately taken. Here are some of the great tips they provide: 

"If your dog or horse is microchipped, remember to report it as soon as you possibly can on Petlog.

If your dog is snatched try to take photographs of any vehicles used in the crime. Write down as much info as you can straight away.

Contact the police immediately.

Contact friends and start an immediate search of the area.

Consider areas where you think thieves might take your dog.

The quicker you act now the better the chance you have of getting back your pet.

Put message out on Facebook including an image of your dog. Tell your friends to share. Tweet too.

If you have not done already activate your dog's chip details on and visit their site for help and information. It may also be helpful in install the android app for your phone or tablet.

Put a poster up in your police station - maybe one of the police officers will see it and recognise your pet.

Click here for a list of council dog wardens. It is worth calling them as hopefully thieves might dump your dog if they are worried about getting caught."

You can follow Pet Theft Awareness on Twitter and on Facebook.

I don't know what I would do if Del got stolen, it would be heartbreaking. Please show your support. 

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